Training & Education51-100 EmployeesNo financing required
About the company
In the early 80’s, back when no one seemed to take on the idea of early stimulation, ICBB took on the challenge to prepare and introduce children as young as 12 months old to the pleasure of reading. It developed a sight-reading program for infants and was proven successful. Without utilizing any form of advertising, its rich academic program caught great attention and its students multiplied rapidly. This was the birth of ICBB. For more than 30 years, ICBB has been a second home to children aged 1 to 4 years old, opening a world of creative possibilities while nurturing and educating young minds through its unique, dynamic early childhood education program. ICBB continues to live up to the discriminating taste and standard of parents who seek nothing but the best for their children – a cut above the rest.
Company Culture
Promote Learning
Diverse Team
Provide Trainings
Flat Organisation
Supports Physical Wellness
English Speaking
Commited to Personal Growth