1000 Miles Limited
<50 EmployeesManufacturing & Industrial Supplies & Services
Here at 1000 Miles, we provide buyers with the most comfortable, simple and complete service from early development to production of unique gift concepts with stunning package and display. Taking care of your products from the ground up, we begin with the design and end in the assembly and shipment of your collections, with the capability to assist you anywhere in between. Our services include: > Product Development – We listen carefully to your idea, create a design, and use the best production techniques to develop unique products you can sell. > Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) – 1000 Miles offers an array of 8000 products in countless categories which you can customize with your personal design and brand. > Impulse – We help you develop impulse products - products that customers buy on impulse or without them planning to do so – which comes in an efficient display that can be placed on counters or near the cashier which will help you increase sales at the same time maximize your store space. > Sourcing – With talented international Sourcing Team in our group, we will take care of finding the best products you are looking for and customize it to meet your requirements. Quality being the foundation of our business, we make sure that our production process follows a strict Quality Management System - ISO 9001:2015, which regulates the working procedures of every department. Brief History In 2008, Yariv Sade founded 1000 Miles with the mission to work for businesses, with end consumers in mind. For that reason, we focus on the entire production of gift concepts, especially considering packaging design and display. Because of our commitment to provide world class sophisticated solutions, we continue to innovate and create ideas from product design, sourcing, development, packaging, display and production. These features allow us to keep expanding and developing our business today and in the next years to come. Visit our webpage to know us more!
Business information
Legal Name

1000 Miles Limited


Yiwu City, China